Today is Earth Day 2019, a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. It was first held in 1970 and it is now celebrated by over 1 billion people in 175 countries every year.
In recognition of #EarthDay2019, some Nigerians, including past Fellows of the Cornell Alliance for Science Global Leadership Program participated in a tweet-chat where they called for access to innovation, responded to questions about Biotechnology, Genetically Modified Organisms and why gave reasons why the earth needs them. The conversations quickly caught on and soon became a top trending topic in Nigeria, and other parts of Africa and Asia, as biotechnology enthusiasts joined in.
See 10 common lies you may have heard about GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms
See some of the questions asked, and responses by the audience.
1. Why is there an Earth Day?
The #EarthDay2019 is important because it brings to mind all the efforts to improve the environment and address issues such as climate change #BiotechRocks #WeNEEDBiotech
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
It is imperative to talk about where we live, work and dominate and how we can help her too by saving her from the destruction that comes with explorations and industrialization.#WeNEEDBiotech
— Sweet Tooth🦷 (@St_Minion) April 22, 2019
We celebrate this day to mark the importance of mother earth, how important it is to protect and care for our host and ensure environmental sustainability for earth to continue being a livable place
— Zola Madaga (@ZMadaga) April 22, 2019
Earth day is a day set aside to advocate for environmental protection. It is celebrated worldwide, with series of events every 22nd of April
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
We are celebrating #EarthDay2019 because the earth is our collective resource, and we exist because of it. It is from it that the food we eat grow and ignoring it is detrimental. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
2. What are the major challenges facing Mother Earth?
I heard mother earth weep of consistent pollution in diverse form. From one use plastic cup, plate, bottle, pesticide container to indiscriminate discharge of chemicals into water bodies, waste and effluent discharge all make climate change grievous on earth #weneedbiotech#
— Falade Oluwafemi (@Visionphemy) April 22, 2019
The most challenging is Climate Change. Others include biodiversity loss, soil erosion, water pollution, acidification of oceans. They are numerous which is why #WeNEEDBiotech #BiotechRocks #EarthDay2019
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
The major challenges facing mother earth today include plastic pollution, climate change, deforestation and over population #WeNEEDBiotech #BiotechRocks #EarthDay
— Zola Madaga (@ZMadaga) April 22, 2019
Some of the major challenges are hunger, poverty and malnutrition, which is a consequence of climate change. Climate change is a result of man's indiscriminate utilization of earth's resources.
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
3. What challenges facing the earth affect AGRICULTURE?
Land Pollution can result in Soil infertility which results in low crop yield
— (@NizorPy) April 22, 2019
Climate Change can affect specific crop yields, low rain fall etc #earthday
#EarthDay2019 emergence or more adverse effects by Pests & diseases, leading to almost extinction of food crops! #WeNEEDBiotech #BiotechRocks
— Dr Fun (@KMonjero) April 22, 2019
Climate Change, fresh water depletion, deforestation, air and water pollution, etc., all coming together to threaten agriculture, which can lead to famine and death. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
Extreme tempreature.
— Okomeng Evans (@OkomengEvanz) April 22, 2019
Farmers in countries Sub-Saharan africa dearly pay for this, leading many people experiencing food shortages.#WeNEEDBiotech
Climate change has huge impact on Agriculture, ranging from effects of drought, flooding, evolution of notorious pests and diseases.#EarthDay2019 #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
Climate change is a serious challenge to Agriculture. Uneven rain patterns and prolonged drought causing decreased production and hunger a good case study being Kenya my home country this is why #WeNEEDBiotech #biotechrocks #EarthDay
— Zola Madaga (@ZMadaga) April 22, 2019
4. But what is Biotechnology?
It is the use of living things, and their parts to solve specific biological problems to satisfy human needs.#EarthDay2019 #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
As a farmer, I know Biotechnology to be modern ways of breeding seeds to confer beneficial traits that is never possible to achieve using any of the usual conventional and classic systems. #EarthDay #WeNEEDBiotech
— Okomeng Evans (@OkomengEvanz) April 22, 2019
Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of procedures for modifying living organisms according to human purposes. For thousands of years, humankind has used biotechnology to advance agriculture, food production, and medicine, & the field has immensely benefited us. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
Biotechnology is controlled and deliberate manipulation of biological systems to create useful products for man use.
— GRAIN-Nigeria (@grainnigeria) April 22, 2019
5. What are GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
A modified organisms enhanced to achieve desired traits.e.g pest & drought resistance, nutritional benefits such as Vitamins etc #EarthDay2019 #WeNEEDBiotech
— Yewande Kazeem (@wandiekazeem) April 22, 2019
Genetically modified Organisms are plant or animals made from a specialized process of Editting their gene hence they grow to express the specific trait expected of them. Since trait =gene +environment. #WeNEEDBiotech.
— Falade Oluwafemi (@Visionphemy) April 22, 2019
So they can be gm crops,trees of disease resistance, improved production, draught resistance etc or genetic modified animals with improve meat production @BioBeef, specific milk production e.t.c #WeNEEDBiotech #EarthDay
— Falade Oluwafemi (@Visionphemy) April 22, 2019
#GMOs are tools of biotechnology used in agriculture. It helps in the production of crops that can withstand the #EarthDay2019 challenges we mentioned earlier like resist insect and pest, tolorate drought and overall, increase productivity #BiotechRocks #WeNEEDBiotech
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
6. In what ways does Biotechnology benefit mother earth?
Biotechnology is a crucial part of agriculture that helps save the environment through drought tolerant crops, insect resistant crops and enhancing nutritional value in food crops #WeNEEDBiotech
— Yewande Kazeem (@wandiekazeem) April 22, 2019
Okay here we go:
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
1. Promotes sustainable agriculture because insect resistant crops means leads exposure to chemicals.
2. Allows crop to thrive even in harsh environment conditions like foood and drought.
3. #WeNEEDBiotech #BiotechRocks #EarthDay2019
Biotechnology has potentials to solve the problems mother earth is facing today… crops that can resist abiotic stress like drought, flooding, and pest infestation #Earthday #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
The pressure on earth will reduce, mother earth will not see human blood split on it again cos of fight for survival of livestock keepers and farmers. Government will also have more of the populace fund to focus on developmental work than conflict resolution #WeNEEDBiotech
— Falade Oluwafemi (@Visionphemy) April 22, 2019
GMOs/biotechnology benefit mother earth through reduction in the usage of harmful pesticides to the environment.
— GRAIN-Nigeria (@grainnigeria) April 22, 2019
Currently scientist are engineering plants to be able to to absorb more carbon, to reduce climate change and its effects, that is a benefit of biotechnology. #EarthDay #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
7. How will EARTH (and Nigeria) benefit from the commercialization of Bt Cotton and Bt Cowpea?
With BT cotton and cowpea, there will be no need for harmful chemicals on the farm since the crops have been engineered to produce their own toxin that is harmful to insects and pests. This will bring about decreased cost of production and decrease in prices of food items.
— GRAIN-Nigeria (@grainnigeria) April 22, 2019
In the 1970s the textile industry was the second highest employer of labour with about 350,000 direct Jobs and 1.2million indirect jobs, but today the industry remains comatose. BT cotton will improve yield from 900kg/ha to about 4.4m tonnes/ha #EarthDay2019
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
With Bt. Cowpea, farmers get to spray 2 times instead of 8 times on their farms. Think of how this can save them from spending too much on chemicals, conserving water and even improving their health. #BiotechRocks #WeNEEDBiotech
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
For starters that's less chemicals and pesticides imputed into the crops and soil since protection is now generated biologically from the Bt strand.This definitely will greatly improve soil health as well as the quality of the crops produce for consumption and production.
— Agricultureissexy (@Agricissexy) April 22, 2019
Another long one. Some background first:
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
For many years, Cotton farmers in Nigeria have been plagued by bollworm insect, a pest that reduces yield by about 80%. To manage it, farmers spray twice as much pesticides on their farms. Think of the environmental impact. #WeNEEDBiotech
The commercialization of #BtCotton and #BtCowpea – varieties resistant to bollworm and maruca respectively means farmers will get more yield, products will be cheaper and Mother Earth will get less chemicals. Thank you @BiosafetyNig, @OFABnigeria, etc for the work. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
8. Are there side effects from using biotechnology?
Everything in life has too sides. You can't have the shine without the heat nor the rain without the mud!But we know that the benefits of the sun and rain far outweigh any downside.Controlled #Biotech by humans is relatively new even though nature has been enacting such for ages
— Chibuike Emmanuel (@burxymoore) April 22, 2019
Like every technology, they are side effects like allergies, and environmental challenges of cross contamination, but that is why the technology is one of the most regulated in history. So before any product is commercialized safety is ensured. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
In the wrong hands it can wreck havoc that is why Biotechnology is regulated in Kenya we have @BiosafetyKenya that ensures all research outcomes are for the benefit of the consumers, farmers and the environment before anything is approved so #WeNEEDBiotech
— Zola Madaga (@ZMadaga) April 22, 2019
Because there are concerns, @BiosafetyNig was set up to ensure it’s safe use and deployment. So we are glad Nigerian has put in place measures to address all concerns that may come up from the use of the technology. #BiotechRocks #WeNEEDBiotech
— Modesta Abugu (@modestannedi) April 22, 2019
9. Now you know why #WeNEEDBiotech, what would you do if you had the power?
Work with relevant agencies to deploy safe biotechnology, so Nigerians benefit from the potentials of the technology. #EarthDay2019 #WeNEEDBiotech
— Opuah abeikwen (@opuahabeikwen) April 22, 2019
I will ensure that policies are well backed-up with science. Understanding that farming is not just about getting our hands soiled and dirty, but it is about business, it is about technology, and it is about finding the synergy in between. ,#WeNEEDBiotech #EarthDay2019 #EarthDay
— Albert Caraan (@albertcaraan) April 22, 2019
Reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks, ensure COMPLIANCE with best practices, educate the people, continuously engage stakeholders. Etc. #WeNEEDBiotech
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) April 22, 2019
@BioBeef I will in my capacity clear the grey areas in agro biotechnology hence disseminate information to the populace which will in turn ally fears of many rural dwellers/farmers and boost their hope of a better Nigeria. #WeNEEDBiotech #EarthDay #ProtectOurSpecies
— Falade Oluwafemi (@Visionphemy) April 22, 2019
There, reasons why #WeNEEDBiotech. Do you agree? Do you want to learn more about how you can help reduce poverty and hunger? Fill this form HERE and you will be contacted soon.