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31 Common Errors in Nigerian English

We all agree that English is not our ‘mother tongue’, but since we speak it, we have to speak it properly and without blunders.

Many of us, including the writer have fallen victim to these simple mistakes, often times because they sound correct in our ears, but in actuality, they are errors.

Below are some of these common mistakes and their corrections. Learn and share.

1.Night vigil – wrong
Vigil – right

2. I want to barb my hair – wrong
I want to barber my hair – right

3. You’re taking it personal – wrong
You’re taking it personally – right

4. Wake keeping – wrong
Wake keep – right
Wake – right

5. The food is pepperish – wrong
The food is peppery – right

6. She delivered a baby boy – wrong
She was delivered of a baby boy – right

7. Traveling bag – wrong
Travel Bag – right

8. He is matured (not correct)
He is mature (correct)
He has matured (correct)

9. The reason is because (not correct)
The reason is that (correct)

10. My stuffs – wrong
My stuff – right

11. As at when due – wrong
As and when due – right

12. Be rest assured – wrong
Rest assured – right

13. I’m hearing you – wrong
I can hear you – right

14. My names are – wrong
My name is – right

15. All manners of – wrong
All manner of – right

16. Lacking behind – wrong
Lagging behind – right

17. Crack your brain – wrong
Rack your brain – right

18. Return it back – wrong
Return it – right

19. Exercise patience – wrong
Be patient – right

20. Horn at the car in front – wrong
Honk at the car in front – right

21. Borrow me your pen – wrong
Lend me your pen- right

22. More grease to your elbow – wrong
More power to your elbow – right

23. My body is scratching me – wrong
My body itches – right

24. Letterhead paper – wrong
Letterhead – right

25. I’m not your mate – wrong
We’re not mates – right

26. You’re mannerless – wrong
You’re ill-mannered – right

27. First come, First serve – wrong
First come, First served – right

29. Funny enough – wrong
Funnily enough – right

30. I have a running nose – wrong
I have a runny nose – right

31. Driver, I want to drop here – wrong
Driver drop me off here – right

Written by Emeka Nweze

Content writer and contributor.

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