
10 ways to tell if a person is gay


  1. Grooming

Where guys generally do not care what soap they use, or even bother about creams, there’s that one friend who has a particular soap/body cream brand he uses and would not use any other one, no matter what. His nails are ALWAYS neat and well clipped; facial hair, arms and legs are shaved even before they come out.

For ladies, grooming is also very important. Their nails are also trimmed because they do plenty of, well, fin …nevermind.

All this is because gay people tend to pay attention to detail. Every little thing counts and looking neat and camera ready is another way to ‘express’ themselves.

  1. Cologne/Perfumes

You can also judge a person’s sexuality by their choice of ‘scent’. If a guy likes a subtle rose smell and always goes for the feminine colognes, you might want to ask questions.
For girls, it’s a bit trickier, because many prefer masculine perfumes. But chances are that if she likes them a lot, she’s gay.

  1. Hookup

Let’s say you hook your friend up with a lady and the date doesn’t go well, but instead of straight-out saying “I don’t like her”, he says things like “her makeup is not well blended; her hair is poorly done; look at her nails … eww OMG; who uses that cologne in 2017?” etc., you should watch out for this friend.

If your female friend also says things like “I don’t like his beards; his clothes are un-ironed,” etc., when she’s uninterested, you may want to ask her what she really likes.

  1. Checking out people

If you notice that every time y’all hangout, your friend checks out guys more than he’s checking out girls and pointing out (sometimes inconspicuous) things like “he’s so buff, I think he gyms everyday; his skin is so clear he must take his water routine seriously,” etc., there’s every possibility that he’s gay.

If your female friend also says things like “her eyes are so white; she’d be more pretty if she had more ass; her legs are so nice,” etc., you might want to ask what way she swings.

  1. Use of Social Media

Does your male friend take waaaaayyy too many selfies? Does he overuse the Snapchat and Instagram filters? It is possible that he is gay if he does. Check him.

In conclusion, if a person exhibits 8 out of these 10 traits, then we can bet you have yourself a gay friend. If it’s less than 5, then they may just be queer and haven’t quite decided yet. Whatever the case may be, talk to them about it or keep that information to yourself. Let them come out of the closet in their own time.

Editor’s Note: Before you share this with anyone or invite Law Enforcement to use this as a manual, understand that physical qualities like mannerisms, walking steps, posture, or how a person grooms themselves are hardly always correct in determining the sexual orientation of said person.

Written by Oluwasindara Dada

Freelance Model. Designer & Creative Director - @chokedby.xx

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