
These 7 Things Made Childhood Fun for Nigerian Kids

These 7 Things Made Childhood Fun for Nigerian Kids

Childhood as a Nigerian child was filled with joy, laughter, adventure, and unlimited fun. Our childhood was a time of simple joys where we had unique experiences that shaped our mindset, values, and sense of humor. Today, we shall take a look into the things that made our childhood as Nigerian kids memorable, from traditional games to spending nights at our cousins’ or friends’ places, to celebrations that brought the family together. Join us as we reminisce about the good old days and celebrate the beauty of our childhood as Nigerians. Here are 7 things that made our childhood fun as Nigerian kids:

  1. Street Games

There was a certain time when you could go out to play games with your neighborhood friends, and once it was that particular time, you would see all the children come out from their homes to play. We played these games until our parents screamed our names to come for dinner. We played different kinds of games like suwe, coke and fanta, ten ten, tinko tinko, cooking with sand and milk, and my personal favorite, mummy and daddy. These games were an important part of childhood that promoted social interaction, exercise for our young bodies, and helped in developing teamwork, problem-solving skills, and for some of us, cooking skills.

  1. Sunday Treats

I cannot be the only one who loved the occasional Sunday treats and food we got on our way to and from church, and the hot, smoky jollof rice we ate once we got back from church. As kids, our parents would treat us to delicious roadside food like puff-puff, buns, akara, sweets, chin-chin. Sometimes, they would send us off to church with these treats or promise to get them for us on our way back. Getting home from church, our mothers would go straight to the kitchen to start our weekly Sunday jollof rice, which made our taste buds dance with joy.

  1. Spending Holidays with Our Favorite Cousins or Family Friends

The excitement of spending time with our favorite cousins or family friends was unmatched at that time. The anticipation would build up weeks prior, after our parents told us about it, making time feel like it was moving so slowly. Finally, the day would come, and we would be the first to wake up with our bags already packed, screaming at our parents to get ready quickly so they could drop us off. We would stay up all night playing games, watching our favorite cartoons, fighting, and making up. These times were truly the best. These cousins and friends became our partners in crime, best friends, and for some, even partners in life.

  1. Holiday Celebrations

The holidays hold a special place in the hearts of many Nigerians. These were the periods when we got to see most of our family members. Holiday seasons like Christmas, Eid-el-Fitr, and Easter were good times when we would get new dresses and shoes from our parents. Our parents would let us know we were going to the tailors to get measurements for our clothes, or if they didn’t want to take us along, they would measure us themselves and also use a broomstick to measure our feet for shoes. These periods were a time for family to gather together and share what had been going on in their lives, creating a family bond among the members.

  1. Storytelling by Older Family Members

Listening to scary tales or tales of our tradition truly made our childhood one to remember. Older family members would sit us all down under the moonlight or sometimes in the dark when NEPA decided to show us their bad sides, and there was nothing to do. We would listen to scary stories about Madam Koi Koi, bush baby, the greedy tortoise, or traditional stories like Sango. Maturing is realizing that these scary stories were not told to scare us but to shape our minds, teach us contentment, and teach us to share.

6. Excursions

Taking trips with our family and friends was something to look forward to. Most families were not privileged enough to take trips every month, but when they did, they made sure to enjoy them to the fullest. Trips to places like the national museum, the bar beach, and amusement parks were fun and exciting times for us, which built the memories we have with our families.

7. Watching Popular TV Shows with the Family

Gathering around the TV with our family to watch popular TV shows like Super Story, Papa Ajasco and Friends, Jenifa’s Diary, Clinic Matters, or even adverts that made us all sing together, like the Blue Band adverts or the popular MTN adverts done by Saka. We would gather around the television as our favorite characters came on the screen. Watching TV with the family was more than just a means of entertainment; it was a time for family bonding. It gave us a chance to share our experiences. What made this fun was the debate about our favorite characters and the latest plot twists. It was a time for sharing, connection, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Final Thoughts

The times we spent with our families were more than just fun; they were times when we learned valuable life lessons about love, patience, and relationships. These were simpler times when we didn’t have to think about bills and hardships. These are times we cannot go back to, but the memories we have let us cherish and keep to heart, and also pass on to the next generation.

Written by Seunfunmi Joshua

Seunfunmi is a Publicist, Filmmaker, Writer & Producer of Live Events..

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