The earliest pre-wedding photos we remember are simple photos of a couple, side by side each other, used on souvenirs, wedding cards, banners, etc. Then the age of Social Media began and a new wave of pre-wedding photos were born.
Truth is, it was fun and games when it started. We loved how couples took beautiful pre-wedding photos and shared on Social Media to signal their union and in some cases, announce their wedding dates.

But while we have excellent and dazzling ones, some just straight-up crack you up, while others make you wish the government could just ban it. Unfortunately, this is a democracy and people are free to do whatever they like – as far as it isn’t illegal. So, we’re just going to share these hilarious photos with you, and encourage you to allow people enjoy things.
1. When you marry Mammywater
2. Hang the bastard. Hang him for taking so long to propose
3. This marriage will be fruitful
Please don’t ask us what it symbolizes. Our mind is out of the gutters.